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Opuntia cycloides
Opuntia cycloides Rose A native of New Mexico this grows errect to 6’ high. The pads grow to 10” high and have solit…
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Opuntia cycloides
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Opuntia phaeacantha
Very fiercely spined and grows to 2' high, lots of yellow flowers and edible fruit. Engelmann Native from Ariz…
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Opuntia phaeacantha
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Opuntia subarmata
Almost spineless pads. Similar to O. cyloides, but does not grow as tall and has fewer spines. Native to Arizo…
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Opuntia subarmata
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Tetrapanex paperifera 'Steroidal Giant'
Huge palmate leaves to 3' wide, stems to 10'. Hardy tropical looking plant. Tetrapanex paperifera 'Steroida…
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Tetrapanex paperifera…
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Tibouchin grandiflora
Large silvery pubescent leaves with 1" wide purple flowers, great in containers, stunning in leaf, dramatic when in flow…
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Tibouchin grandiflora
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Tradeescantia 'Purple Heart'
Purple leaves, pink flowers, hardy ground cover or container plant. Tradescantia 'Purple Heart' Ha…
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Tradeescantia 'Purple Heart'
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Bursera galeottiana
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Eucomis 'Sparkling Burgundy'
Neoregelia 'Fireball'
Opuntia subarmata
Echeveria hybrids
Hatiora salicornioides
Ipomoea pubescens
Lewisia columbiana v. columbiana
Musa basjoo
Canna musifolia 'Red'
Macleania insignis